5 Tips to start profitable poultry business

Profitable poultry farming

Poultry farming is one of the growing sectors in global agricultural industries. Poultry business has two broad areas –egg production or meat manufacturing farm and both the areas are growing in popularity. Amazingly, in just last two decades, egg production has gone up to 70 billion and the broiler production has gone to 3.8 million tones.  So if you are someone ready to be the next Chicken King or Queen, here are some pointers to keep in mind:

5 Tips to start profitable poultry business
Tips to start profitable poultry business

1. Difference between Broilers and Layers

  • Broilers are raised for meat generation; Layers are nurtured for egg production.
  • Broilers gain more weight, but lay relatively lesser amount of eggs.
  • Layers are comparatively more susceptible to diseases due to a relatively lower protein intake and a longer life-span.
  • Broiler is an easier and more economical kind in which you can withdraw profits within just a few weeks; for Layer, the process is tedious.
2. Chicken coop for the soul: What can be a more perfect location for the coop other than a big yard? However, it is recommended not to have it outside your house due to the odor and clatter it produces. Select a place that has plenty of open space where you can build a structure to keep your chickens warm, healthy and happy!

3. Think 'investments': Small-scale poultry farm can cost any anywhere from Rs.10,000 to 1, 00,000. That’s because you also need to invest in medication, insurance and feed for the birds. More investments are required for layer chickens because they live longer and need special care in order to lay good, organic eggs. For broiler ones, you might need to invest more on protein enriched feed.

4. Poultry appliances and equipment. The list of essential equipment is pretty long! Here’s a shortened one for you. Listing down your priorities along with a budget would be a great way to start.
  • Cages
  • Feeder and drinker sets
  • Incubators for baby chicks
  • Waste disposal system
  • Lighting system
  • Nests and egg crates
  • Storage for eggs and feed
  • Heaters or brooders
5. Feed management. 70% of the investments go in this major aspect of poultry farming. Birds need quality nutrients in order to grow. Rather than purchasing, making your own feed will be more economical. There is a wide range of equipment available in the market which you can use to make home-made feed composition for your chickens. Layers and broilers have separate dietary requirements; layers require a large amount of calcium for solid eggshells; broilers need ample vitamins and proteins. Some supplementary fodder like corn, oats and green leaves such as lettuce, spinach can be an excellent snack!

6. Medication, treatments and care. Hygiene is the first priority in poultry farming. Learning about infections , taking precautions and ensuring clean food and water are some of the best ways to keep your birds disease free. Chickens are susceptible to various diseases but there are organic healing methods like adding a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or a teaspoon of garlic paste to the gallon of water which are known to be helpful. To avoid serious illnesses, it is best to vaccinate them on a regular basis.
Your chickens are like your family and you need to care for them. So keep these few tips in mind if you are thinking of raising a brood of chickens and making the world happy with healthy chickens!

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