4 Causes of retained Placenta ROP in Dairy Cows

Causes of Retained Placenta ROP in dairy cows

Retention of fetal membranes, or retained placenta, usually is defined as failure to expel fetal membranes within 24 hr after parturition. Normally, expulsion occurs within 3–8 hr after calf delivery. Cows with retained fetal membranes are at increased risk of metritis, displaced abomasum, and mastitis.

How do you treat a cow with retained placenta?

Often no treatment is required. The membranes come away on their own within 10 days, but occasionally a retained placenta can lead to serious infection. “Keep the cow in a clean, dry environment until she sheds those membranes,”

What causes a retained placenta in cows?

Retained placenta is most commonly associated with dystocia, milk fever (metabolic diseases) and twin births. In most herds with good management these causes make up the majority of known risk factors for retained placenta.

1) Calving more than 1 week before due date – therefore placenta is not “mature”

2) Twins – because they usually calve early, leading to an immature placenta

3) Vitamin E & selenium deficiency – because the attachment between the uterus and placenta is not properly formed, making it “immature” and “stronger” than normal.

4) Difficulty with calving – because the uterus does not contract quickly afterwards

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