Top 8 Most Beautiful Snakes In The World

Speaking of a creature like a snake, in the eyes of most people, it cannot be associated with the adjective beautiful in any way. The impression that snakes leave most is usually sinister, cunning, cold-ʙʟᴏᴏᴅᴇᴅ and ʀᴜᴛʜʟᴇss. However, you will have to change your mind when you see the photos that we show you in this article. Snakes are really beautiful creatures. They have a luxurious, unique beauty and primal charm that no other creature can match.

Top 8 Most Beautiful Snakes In The World
Top 8 Most Beautiful Snakes In The World

1. Texas Rat Snake

Top 8 Most Beautiful Snakes In The World

The Texas Rat Snake is a subspecies of the Rat Snake, a common snake found in the United States. This species, native to Texas, is separated as being different from the normal Rat Snake because of their unique variations in coloration. The Texas Rat Snake can vary from olive-brown to albino; red and orange speckled to leucistic, a form of ᴀʟʙɪɴɪsᴍ. The Rat Snake can bite, but is not venomous, making them, especially the tan ones, a popular pet.

2. Emerald Green Pit Viper

Let’s begin with a relatively new discovery; the Emerald Green Pit Viper was first found in 2002 in the eastern mountains of the Himalayas in the nation of Burma. This intensely green venomous snake has bright markings with males having red eyes with red and white stripes while females have yellow eyes and stripes that are mostly white. They can grow to at least 4½ feet long, but as a fairly recent finding in the reptile kingdom, there may be much about this lovely creature that we are yet to learn, including their actual maximum size.

3. Brazilian Rainbow Boa

The Brazilian rainbow boa is found in the Amazon River basin, coastal Guyana, French Guiana, Suriname and southern Venezuela. A primarily terrestrial boa, the Brazilian rainbow boa lives in humid woodland forests and can sometimes be found in open savannas. A Rainbow Boa’s base colors ranges from orange to a deep red. He comes with a variety of dark spotted and striped patterns, but what gives this creature his name, is his highly iridescent glow that seems to give off every color of the rainbow. This snake can grow up to between five to six feet in size, with some even growing up to six and a half feet.

4. Honduran Milk Snake

The Honduran Milk Snake is known to occur in forest floor and grassland habitat throughout subtropical lowland areas of Honduras, Nicaragua and extreme northern Costa Rica. One of several very similar milksnake subspecies found throughout Central America and northwestern South America, it is a large and powerful constrictor. While adults average 4 to 5 feet in length, specimens up to 7 feet in length are known. Hondurans may be found from sea level to higher up into mountainous terrain, with specimens reported at elevations of up to 5,000 feet. There is usually little seasonal variation in climate this close to the equator.

5. Emerald Tree Boa

The Emerald Tree Boa is found in many parts of South America including along the Amazon River. They average around 6 feet in length but can grow up to 9 feet. Their diet is mainly small mammals but they do occasionally consume birds, lizards, and frogs. Their slow metabolism allows them to go several months between meals. Though completely unrelated species, Emerald Tree Boas appear very similar to the Green Tree Python who are closely related to the High Yellow Green Tree Python.

6. Blue Coral Snake

Blue coral snakes (Calliophis bivirgata) occur in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand. They live in tropical moist forests, in lowland areas. It has a red head, tail, and belly. The back is a dark blue to black in color, and it usually has a large blue or white stripe on each flank. They has a unique kind of venom that most snakes don’t have, and it even has the largest venom glands of any snake, which extend more than a quarter of its body length. Blue coral snakes are carnivores that specialize in preying on other venomous snakes; they are sometimes called ‘ᴋɪʟʟᴇʀs of ᴋɪʟʟᴇʀs’.

7. California Red-sided Garter Snake

California red-sided garter snakes are more than just a pretty face. For many pet owners and herpetologists, they are great companions. With their distinctive coloration and lean, svelte shapes, California red-sided garter snakes deserve to sit well on anyone’s list of the bet pet snakes. California red-sided garter snakes reach a maximum of about 3 ft. in length. But they are very slender, making them light-bodied and quick. These nimble snakes can dart with an agility and speed unknown to many other snakes.

8. Blue Viper Snake

This really is a ‘look but don’t touch’ situation, because as stunning as that blue viper is, it’s not the kind of creature you want to mess with. As a species, white-lipped pit vipers usually keep to the bushlands and bamboo forests of Southeast Asia, but are known for creeping into populated areas in search of food like mice and lizards. And while their venom rarely ᴋɪʟʟs, it’s incredibly unpleasant to get a bite from a white-lipped island pit viper – they have a ‘ʜᴇᴍᴏʀʀʜᴀɢɪᴄ’ venom, which can cause ᴘᴀɪɴ, swelling, ɴᴇᴄʀᴏsɪs of the flesh, and severe ʙʟᴇᴇᴅɪɴɢ, both internally and externally.

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