Animal Physiology MCQs Questions

Animal Physiology MCQs 

Animal physiology questions
Animal physiology questions

1. Rumen gas largely consists of Carbon dioxide and methane in the proportion of …………………..
2. Urea is recycled in the rumen through ……………….and …………………….
3. If acetic : propionic ratio in the rumen goes down below ……………… the fat content decreases in the cow milk
4. The pH of ileal fluid ranges from ……………….to …………………..
5. The rumen protozoa store carbohydrate in the form of ……………………
6. The testosterone released from tunica interna is converted to estradiol, a female sex hormone under the influence of …………..
7. The estrogen produced by mammalian ovary or placenta normally are ………….., …………………..and ……………….
8. In ruminants, the placenta is of …………………. type
9. Grayish coloured corpus luteum present in ………………… (species)
10. PRL (prolactin) promote the secretion of progesterone by the corpora lutea in ……………..and ……………………(species)
11. Bruce effect in mice involve blockage of ……………….secretion which is necessary for maintenance of CL
12. the blood supply to udder is maintained by ………….artery
13. …………… the main source of energy in bull semen
14. Collapse of alveoli is known as …………………..
15. one gram of hemoglobin can bind with maximum of …………….ml oxygen
16. Expiration if regulated by ………………………centre of the brain
17. Rate of diffusion of carbon dioxide through respiratory membrane is about …………….times rapid than oxygen diffusion
18. The volume of air which remains in the lungs after forceful expiration is called ………………
19. Threshold level for low oxygen in air for sheep, goat and cattle is about ………………..meters above sea level
20.The critical environmental temperature at which the increase in respiration rate become marked is 60oF for HF,70o F for Jersey and ………………….for Brahman cattle
21.The most potent compound which can stimulate the closure of esophageal/reticular groove in cattle even up to two years of age is……………………….
22………………………………is the usual order of concentration of individual acids present in the rumen
23.Enzymes responsible for metabolism are located in the ……………………….(part) of spermatozoa
24.The estrous cycle of ewe is of ………………………………..days duration
25.The bull spermatozoa can travel ……………………cms per 30 minutes in the female genital tract
26.Sexual receptivity in case of ewe in heat requires the presence of……………………………(hormone)
27…………………..% of carbon dioxide transport occur in the form of Bicarbonate ion
28.Utiliozation coefficient for oxygen consumption is……………………% for birds and ………………..%for mammals
29.The nerve network Meissners plexus controls secretions of epithelial cell where as Auerbachs plexus control …………………
30.Coiled colon (Ansa Spiralis) present in ……………………and……………………….(species)
31.In GI system, contractile waves that travel short distance is termed as………………….and that travel longer distance is………………………
32.Daily production of saliva in cows comes around …………………………….litres
33.The first hormone ever discovered was …………………………..
34.Horse obtains around ……………………% of its energy requirements from large intestinal absorption of volatile fatty acids
35.Protozoan count of rumen is about …………………………ml of rumen content and it account for ……………..%of rumen metabolism
36. ……………………….hormone induces gene expression in mammary tissue for casein synthesis
37. Herbivores donot have ……………. phase of gastric stimulation
38. ………………..part of female reproductive tract is known as “neck of the womb”
39. Central frozen semen production and training institute is located at …………………..
40. Credit of first birth of a buffalo calf through AI in India goes to…………………institute
41. Electro ejaculation was first adopted by …………………….
42. ………………hormone is very important for the duct growth of mammary gland
43. The lactose content in milk is …………………..% and is the most consistent component of milk
44. It is estimated that about …………ml of blood must pass through udder for the production of one ml of milk
45. As per work physiology, contraction of ………………..(visceral organ) increase no of erythrocyte in the body.
46. Exercise result in increased cardiac output to meet the increased demand of working muscles for oxygen. The cardiac output =stroke volume X ……………………..
47. During strenuous exercise, cardiac output increases upto ……………….fold in horse
48. Race horses are most susceptible to deficiency of …………………(B vitamin)
49. Proteolytic bacteria represent about ………………% (range) of the total ruminal bacteria
50. ………………….is a measurement of the distensibility of the lungs and thorax and is determined by measurement of the lung volume change for each unit of pressure change


1. 65 : 35
2. saliva, diffusion across rumen wall
3. 3 : 1
4. 7-8
5. amylopectin
6. FSH
7. Estrone, estradiol and estriol
8. Epitheliochorial
9. Ewe
10. Rat and mice
11. Prolactin
12. Pudental
13. Fructose
14. Atelectasis
15. 1.34
16. Pneumotaxic
17. 20
18. residual volume
19. 2500 m
20. 80oF
21. NaCl
22. Acetic (C2) > Propionic (C3) > Iso & N-butyric (C4) > Iso & N-valeric (C5) > Methyl butyric acid (C5)
23. Mid piece
24. 17
25. 60
26. small amount of progesterone
27. 80
28. 50, 25
29. GI movements
30. Pig and ruminants
31. Segmentation, Peristalsis
32. 100-200
33. Secretin
34. 75
35. 106; 20
36. Prolactin
37. Cephalic
38. cervix
39. Hessarghata
40. Allahabad Agricultural Institute
41. Batteli
42. Estrogen
43. 4.6
44. 400-500
45. spleen
46. Heart rate
47. 8
48. Thiamine
49. 12-38
50. Pulmonary compliance

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