How to diagnose fowl typhoid in poultry

Fowl Typhoid in Poultry

Fowl typhoid (FT) is a septicemic disease of poultry caused by the bacterium, Salmonella enterica Gallinarum.

It is one of several diseases caused by infection with Salmonella in chickens. FT occurs worldwide, although has been eradicated from commercial poultry in Europe, United States, Canada, Australia and Japan.

fowl typhoid

Clinical signs:

In chicks and poults include

- diarrhoea

- dehydration

- weakness and high mortality.

- In mature fowl, FT is manifested by decreased egg production, fertility, hatchability and anorexia, and increased mortality.


Live and inactivated vaccines are available for fowl typhoid in some countries. If introduced control should focus on eradication of the disease through isolation and destruction of contaminated flocks, proper disposal of carcasses and disinfection of fomites.


Prevention is achieved by purchasing birds from disease-free flocks. Treatment is not recommended because it can cause birds to become carriers. Fowl typhoid (S. gallinarum) occurs in chickens and turkeys and many other game and wild birds.

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